Meet Claire Millier, Founder of SOPHRO COSMETICS®.
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"Cosmetics are only part of the way (...) beauty is also a question of mindset".
Our beliefs
Every person has mental and physical resources within them.
Confidence and beauty are the two inseparable elements of self knowledge
SOPHRO COSMÉTIQUE® is a solution to help people realize their full potential in beauty and mindfulness.
Our commitments
Care-Mask in biocellulose (100% natural material), soaked with 10ml of serum with 93% of ingredients of natural origin for an optimal hydration in 30min.
Made in France
The face mask is designed in a laboratory in Brittany. The packaging is printed in the 18th arrondissement of Paris.
Certified Sophrologists
The audio sessions are conducted by RNCP-certified sophrologists and have been specially designed for optimum physical and mental effectiveness.
Patented innovation
European patent: skin/mental effectiveness proven by scientific tests and use in a specialized Parisian laboratory.
Our values
Innovation: a new approach to beauty: a new in-depth beauty experience, both biological and psychological.
Effectiveness: delivers concrete results based on skin biology and sophrology
Positivity: a caring brand that encourages and stimulates
Simplicity: back to basics, easy access, simple compositions
An observation
The disconnection between our body and our mind is the evil of the 21st century. Stress, exhaustion, loss of meaning and self-confidence... ailments that impact the body and the skin, visibly, in a vicious circle.
Mind-body interaction: A biological truth
The skin is formed on the 21st day of pregnancy, at the same time as the nervous system in the same embryonic tissue, the ectoderm.
Later, these two systems will be clearly differentiated, but they maintain close links and are in constant dialogue.
An innovative solution
Sophro Cosmetics®
Becoming aware of one's inner states and working on them modifies one's relationship to the world and to others, and therefore modifies the image one gives of oneself.
A happy and serene woman is a beautiful woman.
SOPHRO COSMETICS® is the alliance between cosmetic efficiency and positive mental stimulation through sophrology.
Drawing on this new field of expertise, RESSOURCE Corps-Mental offers rituals and services to help women realize their full potential, beautifully and consciously.
RESSOURCE Corps-Mental has changed their daily life
So, ready to coach your mind while taking care of your skin?
"30 minutes to myself that last for a month, the sophro-mask has allowed me to understand that I am responsible for my serenity. As for my skin, simply redensified and plumped up, I felt more "radiant", especially as I have mature skin that has lost its elasticity (a privilege of age).
Sophie M
SOPHRO MASK® Tension release
"This is an innovative product! A moment for yourself! Combined with a bath: a pure moment of mental and physical relaxation. I recommend it" 🙏😃
Florence M
"A true empowerment of one's well-being and a moment of absolute relaxation. The post treatment effect is incredible, deep and lasting."