
3 natural tips to avoid seasonal depression

Seasonal depression, an expression that can describe a different severity from one person to another. From the little blues to the seasonal affective disorder (which requires a medical follow-up), it is frequent that we do not feel good during this period. You should know that this is normal and, above all, that it is possible to remedy it :).

Our bodies are connected to our environment, and in particular to weather and light conditions. As temperatures drop, the immune system is put under greater pressure to fight infection. So for those of you who've already had the back-to-school cold, raise your hand 😉 !
At the same time, lower light levels have an impact on melatonin secretion, leading to a disruption of the circadian cycle. It's harder to wake up, and energy is lacking. The body is tired and the mind lacks energy. Even if we know that this is a natural phenomenon, let's face it, our lifestyles don't allow us to be marmots in the morning :). And honestly, wouldn't we rather feel energized?
There's an important point to bear in mind: four hormones are necessary for our mental equilibrium. In fact, every day we need to take our D.O.S.E. (Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphin).

Discover our 3 natural tips to avoid seasonal depression, get your D.O.S.E. and keep your spirits up!

Tip #1: To avoid SAD, expose yourself to as much light as possible

Get active outdoors


Whenever you can, play sports or do some other physical activity such as walking or gardening in the daylight. Why not take 20 minutes during your lunch break to get some fresh air? Moreover, 20 minutes of walking can reduce stress by 30%! Physical activity generates endorphins and dopamine. Endorphins, also known as the pleasure hormone, give us that sweet feeling we get during and after our sports session. Endorphins are a group of neurotransmitters with a structure that strongly resembles morphine. Dopamine corresponds to the hormone of vigilance and pleasure, which allows us to feel more productive and less tired.


Opt for light therapy

If your schedule doesn't allow it, you can always opt for a light therapy lamp. Light therapy involves daily exposure to artificial white light, known as "broad-spectrum" light, which mimics that of the sun. In a way, this technique resets our internal biological clock. To find out more on this subject, I invite you to read this very interesting Passeport Santé article on the benefits of light therapy.

Tip #2: To reduce symptoms of SAD, recharge your energy levels

This period can also be an invitation to cocoon yourself (without a screen :)), to savor simple moments like a warm bath or reading a book. And why not take advantage of this time to discover sophrology and get back to sleep with our SOPHRO PROGRAM Sleep or boost your energy level with our SOPHRO Positive Beauty MASK and its Energy Boost coaching?

Sophrology is indeed very interesting for its impact on our hormones. It allows in particular :

  • To reduce cortisol (stress hormone)
  • And to stimulate dopamine (joy hormone), oxytocin (pleasure hormone), melatonin (sleep hormone) and endorphins (well-being hormone)

Sophrology techniques, based in particular on breathing, relaxation exercises and positive visualization, induce a combined relaxation of mind and body. Regular practice enables our brains to better regulate hormone secretion and positively impact SAD-related disorders.
And to top it all off, your skin will reveal a new radiance thanks to the concentrated serum contained in the SOPHRO MASQUE® treatment mask :).

Tip #3: To fight SAD, consider your diet

Many scientific studies show the impact of serotonin on mood. A low level of this neurotransmitter and our mood would be in the socks ... Moreover, serotonin is a precursor of melatonin (sleep hormone). It is therefore essential to ensure its proper production (as shown by this study on the Medical News Today website). Diet is therefore another of the levers we have seen previously to reduce the symptoms of SAD.

Tryptophan is a particularly interesting amino acid that you find in protein-containing foods such as meat, salmon, eggs, spinach, but also seeds, milk and soy and nut products.

In conclusion, even if our mood is challenged at this time of year, it is possible to adopt positive habits to avoid seasonal depression. Taking care of your mind is a priority and above all, listen to yourself: if your depressive symptoms persist, consider consulting your doctor. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a recognized illness that requires medical attention.

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