Brown-out, this new phenomenon in companies!

Burn-out, bore-out, brown-out: what are the differences?

Everyone knows the burn-out, defined as the disease of stress; it is a state of physical or mental exhaustion produced by an intense work situation.

In addition, there is the exact opposite, bore-out. It is a state of total boredom due to an underload of work.

Another form is called brown-out, which is defined as a lack of motivation caused by the overload of daily tasks.

These 3 phenomena are all related to the world of work but are different in their symptoms and/or severity.

What is brown-out?
Repetitive tasks, loss of meaning, extreme fatigue, progressive demotivation, and an imbalance between personal and professional life. These are the symptoms of brown-out.

It is a more difficult condition to identify. We can try to identify it thanks to a few signs but it remains insidious. However, the number one symptom to note is the progressive and worrying loss of motivation for work. The employee will lack energy and will perform his tasks in a very mechanical way, without caring about their quality.

Like the other two conditions, brown-out can produce excessive stress and affect the mental and physical health of the employee.

What you need to know to prevent brown-out!
Indeed, the main player in preventing this situation is the manager. Good organization and communication within teams are the keys to avoiding a loss of meaning.
Managers must communicate regularly with each and every employee under their responsibility. Exchanges between him and his employees must be regular, to establish a relationship of trust as far as possible.
Time for discussion, whether in meetings or during lunch breaks, must not be neglected; employees must be considered as people who may have doubts and questions, and must be present when they need help.

RESSOURCE advises you!
For any uncomfortable situation, it's important to talk about it. Once you've realized that you're suffering from brown-out, it's vital to discuss it with trusted people around you, to get advice and, above all, support. The aim is not to close in on yourself, which could only worsen the situation and lead to a burn-out, for example.

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